16/09/2013 15:15 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio ProjectHere we go! I completed the migration of my portfolio over to OVH this morning, with the publication of the third version of my life project website: which means that "
www.daniela-berndt.fr" will temporarily replace the Jimdo equivalent thereof, initially published at "www.daniela-berndt.net", for the time it will take to move over the domain name as well.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
As announced in my recent web project status update, my pre-audit of the web-based Content Management System as provided by Jimdo is coming to an end. Since my product in development is a knowledge-intensive web service, which places me in the Network Service Provider's perspective, I am about to migrate my portfolio over to the "app-enabled" (source-to-target) publication method on a shared web server (to be dedicated to the purpose of my web program). This is why my changeblog updates are currently less frequent.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, JimdoPro, Shared Hosting, RapidWeaver 5, Version 1.1
09/08/2013 22:18 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module"Funding" section:
Published the page dedicated to the economic dimension ("
Issue 3").
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
02/08/2013 18:46 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module"Funding" section:
Published the page dedicated to the legal dimension ("
Issue 2").
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
26/07/2013 15:33 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module"Funding" section:
Published the page dedicated to sanitary and social dimensions ("
Issue 1").
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
19/07/2013 17:45 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module"Funding" section:
Published the German version of the introduction.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
18/07/2013 17:54 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio Project"Up next" changeblog section:
Updated my article of 2013-07-17 (pertaining to the "Funding" section).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
17/07/2013 16:55 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio ProjectWork in progress:
1) Life project: step-by-step development and publication of the "Funding" section;
2) Life project: preparation of the upcoming website migration to version 1.2 (RapidWeaver-based);
3) Dashboard: preparation of my RSS-enabled program dashboard 2014 (RapidWeaver-based).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, RapidWeaver 5, Version 1.1, Version 1.2
17/07/2013 21:00 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleRemoved the Jimdo-enabled "GoSquared Tracking Code" widget.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, Version 1.1
17/07/2013 18:07 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio Project1) Ended the publication of update posts on the "Site Info" page (the changeblog takes over);
2) Added an RSS redirection icon under the navigation sidebar;
3) Updated the "End Credits" page (with an RSS redirection icon).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
13/07/2013 15:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio ProjectUpdated the "Portfolio" page (by adding a reference to the changeblog).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
12/07/2013 13:15 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio Project"Funding" section:
Published the English version of the introduction.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
09/07/2013 08:15 Indexed under:
Forum-Directory | Lifefolio Module1) Added the "
Funding" section (in preparation);
2) Updated the "System Map" page of the "Site Info" section.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
08/07/2013 17:00 Indexed under:
Forum-Directory | Lifefolio ModuleUpdated the "
High Stakes" page (with a new book reference in the French bibliography).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
25/06/2013 15:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleEnd of my website update to version 1.1, with, for the "Site info" section, the addition, development and publication of the "System Map" and "Portfolio" pages.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
23/06/2013 15:45 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleAddition, development and publication of the "Black Box" pages.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
22/06/2013 12:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModulePublication of the "
Help Yourself!" page, under construction since 2013-06-19.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
19/06/2013 14:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleAdded a "Help Yourself!" draft page under "
What Now?".
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
18/06/2013 15:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module"Multimedia" section:
1) Renamed the "Terms of Use" page into "Copyright" and moved it over to the "Site Info" section;
2) Moved the pages "
Step 1", "
Step 2" and "
Step 3" over to the "Network" section.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
17/06/2013 18:45 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleMigration of the "
End Credits" page and the "
Feedback form" from the website’s part 1 (.info) to part 2 (.net; please refer to the "Sitemap" in the "Site Info" section).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
15/06/2013 15:00 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleStart of my website update to version 1.1, with the addition of a "Site Info" section.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
11/06/2013 16:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio ModuleInstallation of a Jimdo-enabled "
GoSquared Tracking Code" widget.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Version 1.1
19/04/2013 11:00 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module1) Preparation of version 1.1/2013 (global website update);
2) Preparation of a future self-hosted RapidWeaver 5 version of the website (v1.2/2013).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoPro, Shared Hosting, RapidWeaver 5, Version 1.0, Version 1.1, Version 1.2
28/03/2013 12:30 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Dashfolio Project
08/01/2013 11:00 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Infolio ModuleCreation of www.daniela-berndt.net, as part of my website upgrade to JimdoPro.
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, JimdoPro, Version 1.0
28/12/2012 16:45 Indexed under:
Lifefolio Module | Infolio ModuleCreation of dberndt.jimdo.com (JimdoFree) and development of version 1.0/2013, along with my discovery of Realmac’s RapidWeaver 5 software (under consideration since 10/2012 as an alternative to MS FrontPage 2002 and iWeb).
Continue readingTags: Online CMS, JimdoFree, RapidWeaver 5, Version 1.0