BlogfolioNetPlusUltra®: Squaring the Circle, by Daniela BERNDT

Portfolio reshuffle

As announced in my recent web project status update, my pre-audit of the web-based Content Management System as provided by Jimdo is coming to an end. Since my product in development is a knowledge-intensive web service, which places me in the Network Service Provider's perspective, I am about to migrate my portfolio over to the "app-enabled" (source-to-target) publication method on a shared web server (to be dedicated to the purpose of my web program). This is why my changeblog updates are currently less frequent.Continue reading

Website split-up

Work in progress:
1) Life project: step-by-step development and publication of the "Funding" section;
2) Life project: preparation of the upcoming website migration to version 1.2 (RapidWeaver-based);
3) Dashboard: preparation of my RSS-enabled program dashboard 2014 (RapidWeaver-based).Continue reading

Graphic signage

1) Ended the publication of update posts on the "Site Info" page (the changeblog takes over);
2) Added an RSS redirection icon under the navigation sidebar;
3) Updated the "End Credits" page (with an RSS redirection icon).Continue reading


Updated the "Portfolio" page (by adding a reference to the changeblog).Continue reading

RSS feed

"Funding" section:
Published the English version of the introduction.Continue reading

Return on experience

1) Added the "Funding" section (in preparation);
2) Updated the "System Map" page of the "Site Info" section.Continue reading

Program NetPlusUltra®

Updated the "High Stakes" page (with a new book reference in the French bibliography).Continue reading

End station!

End of my website update to version 1.1, with, for the "Site info" section, the addition, development and publication of the "System Map" and "Portfolio" pages.Continue reading

The pith and marrow

Addition, development and publication of the "Black Box" pages.Continue reading

Starting point

Publication of the "Help Yourself!" page, under construction since 2013-06-19.Continue reading

Unfool yourself

Added a "Help Yourself!" draft page under "What Now?".Continue reading

Readers' guide

"Multimedia" section:
1) Renamed the "Terms of Use" page into "Copyright" and moved it over to the "Site Info" section;
2) Moved the pages "Step 1", "Step 2" and "Step 3" over to the "Network" section.Continue reading

Website reshuffle

Migration of the "End Credits" page and the "Feedback form" from the website’s part 1 (.info) to part 2 (.net; please refer to the "Sitemap" in the "Site Info" section).Continue reading

New section

Start of my website update to version 1.1, with the addition of a "Site Info" section.Continue reading

Web audience

Installation of a Jimdo-enabled "GoSquared Tracking Code" widget.Continue reading

Content and form

1) Preparation of version 1.1/2013 (global website update);
2) Preparation of a future self-hosted RapidWeaver 5 version of the website (v1.2/2013).Continue reading

Best practices

Publication of an article on the weblogging rationale.Continue reading

Good migrations!

Creation of, as part of my website upgrade to JimdoPro.Continue reading
Blogfolio 2013 • Version 3.7/2024