as a changeblog, the present RSS-enabled reporting dashboard is therefore conceptually dedicated to the "exploratory sandbox-sustained playground for mnemotechnical restoration" which I opened in 2013 along with my Lifefolio website, whereby the conceptual point zero thereof refers back to the episode of cognitive saturation that I experienced in June 2000 (at my own individual micro-dimensional level), a little over a year before the events of 11 September 2001 (which obscured the horizon at the macro-dimensional level);
the background images of the three contact forms (FR-EN-DE) refer both to the major structural disruptions brought about by the deployment of the consumer Internet in Europe, and to the security implications of mass surveillance technologies whose intrusiveness has propagated a globally shared feeling of growing insecurity over the same deployment period;
the visual theme of the End Credits page aims at enlarging the view to the outer confines of a science-fictional concept which I personally keep experiencing as the "hyperspace of time zero", with a view to introducing the idea that if all roads lead to Rome, each single path also has a starting point of its own, even when it leads to an impasse…