ToU, traceability and domain names
27/09/2013 12:08 Indexed under:
Foreword | Dashfolio ProjectToU for network profiles
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this demo version of my Netfolio (dedicated to the .net perimeter) is temporary, which means that it serves no commercial purpose. It is knowledge-engineered so as to create some sense of conceptual emulation around my NetPlusUltra® program under organic incubation, with a view to providing as many self-regulated application examples of the life project website model, as there will be web authors to adopt the latter as an alternative to the social networks.As announced in the "Network" and "Funding" sections of my Lifefolio, it is devised to bridge the global solution gap until my conceptual web incubation service takes over in the form of an operational registration portal.
Moreover, considering that my web approach targets KNOWLEDGE professionals (and anyone who wants to become one), I am insisting on the fact that in demo-mode, exchanges between prospective affiliates shall be self-regulated ABOVE THE WAISTLINE! Any form of sectarian misdemeanor will be processed as such.
Rules of traceability
If Alpha affiliates Bravo, who affiliates Charlie, who affiliates Delta, who affiliates Echo, the latter must confirm being registered with Delta, who must confirm being registered with Charlie, who must confirm being registered with Bravo, who must confirm being registered with Alpha! Please also refer to my Lifefolio’s "
Forum 4.0" page.
Upcoming consolidation
Due to a reassignment of the domain names of my Netfolio, against the background of server management optimization, my websites might be temporarily unavailable during week 40 or 41.
This unavailability is expected to last only a fews hours on the day of the intervention, the date of which is not yet set.
Thank you again for your understanding.
Before •
AfterTags: Shared Hosting, RapidWeaver 5, Version 1.2